Aaron Fried: Goals-Assessment Report: Section 4 – Public/Community Service

Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all. – Douglas Adams

Note: Almost every picture can be made larger by clicking on it and all links will open in a new window.

As I have already demonstrated, I have a high level of commitment to service. In this section you will find an inventory of examples of service to the greater community of MVCC and beyond.

Since 2009,  I have participated in the CNY Out of the Darkness Walks. The Out of the Darkness walk raises money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I choose this charity in honor of my cousin who died in his teens of suicide. Each year, not only do I help to raise funds but I volunteer to help at the event. My participation has helped raise over $30,000 over the years to help this important cause.

Late Night Breakfast 2011 – 2013

I served students at the annual Late Night Breakfast Celebration.

At the conclusion of the Spring 2011 semester I arranged a field trip for the students of the West Frankfort Elementary School. The field trip was a reward for the students’ participation in their science fair. I arranged for MVCC faculty to do presentations in the morning on different scientific phenomena.

In July 2013, I was a guest speaker for Medical Mania. Medical Mania is a summer program that is hosted by MVCC. Several students participate in small demonstrations and events that show careers in the medical and allied health fields. I hosted a presentation where the students were able to examine and learn from cadaver specimens.

As a member of several local bands over the years, I have been able to play for several benefit/fund raisers.

2012 – Toys for Tots

2013 – Autism Awareness Campaign

2016 & 2017 – Band Together: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

2017 – Phoenix Philosophies: Chef training for military veterans.

In December 2014, I volunteered my time as a phone bank participant to raise money for Hospice of Oneida County.

In July 2014, I donated my time to host a Medical Mania session with middle school aged children interested in medical fields.

Starting in April 2017, My wife and I have volunteered in our village's Earth Day clean up focusing on our block with an elementary school.

Starting in 2017, my wife and I started participating in a neighborhood clean up program for Earth Day in our village (East Syracuse).

In August 2017, I donated time create and deliver hygiene kits people affected by the Hurricane that hit Houston.

In 2017, my wife and I helped collect materials for and build hygiene kits for hurricane survivors in Houston.

In 2016, my wife was working as a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse at Crouse Hospital. That unit has a number of events every year to support families past the birth of their children. I was asked to participate in the Annual ‘Job Fair’ where former preemies came back and learned about many different types of jobs that they had never heard of. I was Professor of Biology!

Also related to the preemie experience, starting in 2016, I volunteered to DJ the biannual preemie fashion show that raised money for the March of Dimes. I provided music for the fashion show every April and November from 2016 until 2019.

During the fall of 2018, I planned Don Kelly’s retirement party. 

Starting in the Fall Semester of 2019, I started the MVCC PA Book Fund. It is a cash fund and, back when we went to in person meetings, I carried the Fund Jar for people to drop change in at meetings. To date we used all money donated to provide books and supplies beyond what C3 or financial aid could provide for a handful of students. 

Below is an email excerpt from the first time we helped support a student.

During the fall semester of 2019, My office mate and colleague saved our leftover lunch money and wanted to help the college in some way. Starting in 2020, plastic bags were going to be banned in New York. We had been donating used plastic bags to the Campus C3 Food Bank. We decided to provide the C3 program with 300 reusable bags. 

The 300 reusable bags were used pretty quickly, so in the spring semester of 2020 I organized a fund raising campaign to provide more reusable bags for the campus. From this fund raiser I was able to donate 4100 reusable bags to the C3 food bank. 

During the 2020-21 school year, one of the elementary schools in our local school district was displaced into an old school across the street from where I live. In order to show our respect for the staff of a school that had to move and support students during a pandemic, my wife and I planned a respite offering and provided all of the teachers and staff of the school with cookies and cupcakes from a local bakery. 

During the 2020-21 school year, one of our school district's elementary schools had to relocate to an old school across the road from our house. My wife and I tried to honor and support the teachers and staff by providing them some comfort as a thank you. Pictured here with Woodland principle, Gina Terzini on the right.
The End